Middle & Upper School Learning Support Center
Mission of the Program
The Learning Resource Center provides support for students who attend DWS but may require extra support and/or accommodations to be successful in a college-preparatory environment. The academic environment provided is designed specifically for students of average or above-average intelligence who have a diagnosed learning disability, high-functioning autism/aspergers syndrome or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder as documented by either a private or other school psychologist. The program’s goal is to provide personalized support that will enable highly qualified students with the resources to function and excel at Deerfield Windsor. We strive to help students compete in the mainstream setting and be prepared for the collegiate requirements that will meet them upon graduation..
While it is not possible to offer extended, in-depth, one-to-one instruction and remediation within the framework of the DWS school day, we are committed to help students grow as individuals by guiding them in building self-awareness, executive functioning and social skills, and help them advocate for themselves and the supports they need to be successful.
Marti Yelverton
(229) 435-1301
Middle & Upper School Learning Resource Center